Media and Resources
Yogis in Service has been shared in several media outlets. Here are a few of the great stories that have been shared about our program and teachers.

Buffalo’s Youngest African American Yogis Help Extend Yoga’s Reach

Youngest Yoga Instructor in Buffalo (YIS) Channel 7 WKBW

The YIS yoga practice journal has 100 pages to reflect upon your personal practice. With mostly blank space for your own reflections, the journal includes a page with suggestions and journal prompts (e.g., What style of class did I practice? Was my practice formal or informal?). A portion of each purchase goes directly to Yogis in Service.
Join YIS teacher, Liz, for a children's yoga class focused on the YIS Principle for Growth, "It's Okay to Feel My Feelings."
Join YIS teacher, Liz, for a children's yoga class focused on the YIS Principle for Growth, "I Deserve to be Safe."