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YIS Community Classes
All are welcome
Join us for our free, weekly community classes.
 Everyone is welcome and the classes are open to yogis of all ability and skill levels.
Yoga Mats

Yoga for Cancer and Chronic Illness

Join Leslie Rothschild virtually on Fridays from 11:00 - 11:45 via Zoom.

“If you can breathe you can do yoga" is one of my favorite yoga phrases that was originally said by Krishnamacharya (a very wise teacher of yoga). It’s such a beautifully simple reminder that we can do yoga beyond what we think of it. Often people think yoga involves very complicated movements or poses in a hot sweaty room. Although that is one form of yoga that’s not the only one. There are many different types and styles of yoga. There are many different ways to practice and live yoga. In this four week series we will look at yoga as a way of healing one’s self. 


This series will include some chair based movement, yoga nidra (“yogic sleep” or “effortless relaxation”), a breathing practice, and perhaps guided imagery if time allows. These practices are meant to be restorative and rejuvenating, and are designed to share with you tools you can use to turn down stress and anxiety. Tools that you can use anytime not just when you are in a yoga class. This slow paced series will give you the time and space to get to know yourself again as you navigate your path through cancer and/or chronic illness. 


No previous yoga experience needed. We will use props so having a chair, three blankets, and a couple of pillows will be helpful.


 YIS Community Classes

 Our community classes are at Delevan Grider Community Center. 


Every Wednesday at 10:00 to 11:00

Community Gentle Yoga 


Every Saturday at 10:30 to 11:30 

Community Yoga Flow

© 2024, Yogis in Service 

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